The purpose of this study was to determine relationship of anthropometric parameters with performance among softball players and to find the anthropometric predictors of performance in softball. Total 150 male softball players from the various states and universities of India were selected to participate in the study. Height and length measurements of the players were measured with the anthropometric rod. Portable weighing machine was used to measure the weight of the players. Circumferences and diameters of the body parts of the players were measured with steel tape and sliding caliper respectively. Harpenden skinfold caliper was used to assess the skinfold thicknesses. The results revealed that the height (p=0.010), weight (p=0.001), total arm, upper arm and lower arm lengths (p<0.05); Upper arm, forearm, chest and calf circumferences (p<0.05); biacromial, bicondylar humerus and bicondylar femur diameters (p<0.05) and lean body mass (p=0.000) were significantly associated with performance among softball players. Regression analyses showed that for softball performance, 13% variance was accounted for by lean body mass, 3% was explained by upper arm circumference, and an additional 3% of the variance was explained by upper arm length. It is concluded that lean body mass was the prime predictor of the softball performance.
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