Teaching games has always required a holistic approach that focuses on the physical, social and intellectual domains of the individual participant. In this regard, Game Sense Approach can be seen as an approach that allows students to be free to play games while learning, creating a sense of having fun during learning. This leads to a healthy, active and fulfilling life of the learner. This paper looks at the game sense approach in physical education, with a view of recommending its adoption to sports coaching and teaching in Zimbabwe, resulting in promoting changes in the culture of sports engagement. This will eventually develop a mindset shift to game-centred sports coaching in Zimbabwe. The study uses literature search to put its case forward. It recommends that Zimbabwe can successfully embark on coaching development programmes that adopt the game sense approach to sport teaching and coaching. Game Sense Approach empowers teachers and coaches with greater tactical understanding of games, making it much easier for them to effectively teach and coach sport in Zimbabwe. The study, therefore, recommends that Game Sense be introduced in Zimbabwe to allow for those who are involved in sports to have a sound understanding of match conditions and be able to transfer learning from practice to actual game situations. Game Sense can be seen as exposing players to inquiry-based learning which allows players to explore enjoy themselves under natural and authentic learning environments.
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