The object of this work is to analyze the courage levels of short track speed skaters from different variables. The study has been carried out on a total of 20 individuals, including 6 women and 14 men, who performed as short track speed skaters in Erzurum province of Turkey in 2017. DBA courage scale developed by (Imamoğlu, 1998) has been applied to skaters in the study9. SPSS 21 package program has been used for the analysis of the data. In the analysis of the data, frequency distribution for the demographic characteristics, T test to examine the relationship between two independent variables and courage level and ANOVA Variance analysis tests have been used to examine the relationship between more than two variables and courage level. The difference between the variables has been interpreted based on p 0.05 relevance level. According to the findings, it is determined that there is a significant difference between the level of courage of the athletes and being a national athlete. It is also determined that there is no significant difference between gender, education level, age, type of school they attended, educational background of mother and father and mother and father’s occupations. It is observed that, courage levels of national athletes are higher than that of non-national athletes. It is proposed that, it is important to determine the variables that will positively influence the level of courage for the athletes to be successful in sports and daily life.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Erdoğan Tozoğlu, A. Vahit Doğar, Mücahit Dursun, Duygu Kan, Gökhan Bayraktar

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