The study focused on the awareness of Movement and Fitness Sciences among secondary school students in Jammu District of J&K, India. The industries lifestyle, busy Schedule, Fast food habits, non-movement job profiles or sitting jobs, various modes of pollution, drug addictions and non-sport/recreational approaches have disturbed the human health. Therefore a special interest to create awareness about the movement and sport sciences with the purpose of uplifting the value of Health and physical education in the educational institutions as a subject and as a part of regular curriculum. The data were collected from 100 secondary students by a rating scale of self-constructed “Movement and Fitness Sciences awareness scale”. The data were analyzed with the help of means, standard deviations, critical ratios and analysis of variance for testing various hypotheses framed for the study. The results were discussed and it was concluded that rural students have acquired better knowledge than urban area students towards Movement and Fitness Sciences awareness. It was also found that private school/university students have better Movement and Fitness Sciences awareness than aided and government school/universities students.
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