Dursun Güler


In this study, it was aimed to determine and evaluate the sport preferences and tendencies of children towards sports branches. The study group consisted of 1077 secondary school students from 6th, 7th and 8th grades in Amasya city center. The tendency information form was applied in order to determine the students' preferences and tendencies. In the data analysis, frequency and percentage distributions for students' preferences and tendencies were taken and evaluated. In the study, it was found that 39.6% of the students did any sport activity, whereas 60.4% couldn’t do any sport activity. When it comes to the tendencies of the children, it was found that football with the percentage 27.9, basketball with 16.3%, volleyball with 15.4%, handball with 6.3%, but only 8.2% of the children could play football and 6.9% could play basketball. In addition, 6.8% could play volleyball and 3.7% could play handball. On the other hand, they were busy with sports branches in the direction of their tendencies and desires in other sport branches. In conclusion, it can be said that some children were forced to do sport that they were willing and inclined to do and that they did not want and tend to.


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children, the trend of the sport branch, sport, the preference of the sport branch

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