The aim of the present study was investigate to effect of gender on visual and auditory reaction time of mentally retarded individuals. For this purpose, seventy four subjects (male=40, female=34) participated in the study. Subjects have different mental disability level (mild=29, moderate=28, severe=17). All of the measurements performed at the same time of day (14:00-19:00). Computerized reaction time tests were applied for visual reaction time (VRT) and auditory reaction time (ART) measurements. The website has been used to determine the visual reaction time. The website has been used for the measurement of auditory reaction time. In both tests, the reaction time was measured 5 times and the average was recorded in milliseconds. Mann-Whitney U test were performed in the analysis of the data. Auditory and visual reaction time parameters show significant difference between male and female (p<0.05). Auditory and visual reaction time parameters showed significant difference between male and female within all disability levels (p<0.05). In conclusion, it can be said that reaction time shows difference between genders in mentally retarded persons like normal. Female disable persons perform slower reaction than male persons. The gender factor affect reaction sourced cerebrum, while they have mental retardation.
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