The main purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between leadership styles and coaches’ efficacy of Dragon Boat national teams from the viewpoints of athletes. 48 athletes completed the questionnaires of leadership scale in sport (LSS) and coach efficacy scale (CES), (N=n). Internal reliability of questionnaires was respectively 0.79 and 0.89 by means of Cronbach’s Alpha test. The results showed that 66% of athletes were between 20 and 25 years old. Also, 49% of them were national team members for 3-4 years. Pearson‟s correlation test (P≤0.5) showed a significant correlation between coach efficacy and leadership styles of training and instruction, democratic and social support. There was no significant correlation between coach efficacy and leadership styles of autocratic and positive feedback. Effect of leadership styles and coaches‟ behavior on coach efficacy and team success more often revealed the importance of using a suitable leadership style among coaches.
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