The childhood years represent one of the most important stages in the human development. The purpose of the study is to test the efficiency of this social model-education through a gymnastic program for preschool children. For the realization of our study, have selected 60 children from four Tirana’s preschools city, that seems to be the bigger city, center of economic, social, administrative, culture, academic, industrial, medial of Albania, with purpose to have a big representation of all social-economics layers. The children are separated in two equal groups. In the experiment group will be implemented the education program with basic gymnastics elements, which will last twelve weeks, twice a week for an hour. . Control group, will follow a free program by using preschool infrastructure under educators supervision. After program intervention, in the social skills indicators of experiment group seems an improvement of results, while positive or negative changes in control group are inconsiderable to influence in final result. This is reflected in results of t-test between both groups. Based on results, were found significant changes between genders in experiment groups first phases questionnaire. They were noticed in social interaction, (t=-3.61, p=0.001); in social action (t=-7.71, p=.000), social independence (t=4.49, p=0.000); selfish/blast (t=-3.97, p=0.001); attention problems (t=-3.87, p=0.001); antisocial/aggressive (t=-3.40, p=0.003); general behavior problems (t=-2.53, p= 0.019).
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