Currently in Brazil, futsal is one of the most practiced and growing modalities, due to the passion of the Brazilian by the modality, the increase of blocks in the urban areas and the ease to its practice (because it is a sport that uses a reduced space and few players). Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify how adapted games (reduced games) can influence some tactical and technical factors of the modality (ball possession, passes and finalizations). Ten male subjects aged 12 to 13 years participated in the study, who underwent a training periodization composed of 16 sessions based on reduced games only. Before and after the training, games (Game 1 and Game 2) were carried out, which were filmed and were used for scout analysis. Descriptive statistics were used. It was observed after the period of the training sessions increase in the time of possession of total ball during the match, time of possession of defensive ball, certain passes, certain finalizations, and goals scored in favor. In contrast, there was a reduction in offensive ball possession time, number of wrong passes, total number of finalizations and number of wrong finishes. It is observed that the training with reduced games can be effective for the improvement of several technical and tactical components in collective sports games, especially in futsal. As this research approached the descriptive analysis component, we cannot affirm that there were significant changes from Game 1 to Game 2, however, in a simple analysis, small beneficial modifications were observed.
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Copyright (c) 2018 José Guilherme Vicente Pinto, Henrique Miguel, Marcelo Francisco Rodrigues, Marcus Vinícius de Almeida Campos, Rafael Dramis Calixto

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