The present study was conducted to assess and compare the health related quality of life in collegiate sportsmen and non-sportsmen. For the purpose of the study a total of fifty (n=50) male subjects i.e., 25 male sportspersons from Delhi University and 25 male non-sportspersons from Indraprastha University as subjects were selected. These subjects were given a standardized questionnaire of health related quality of life (SF-36) developed by Stewart Hayes and Ware (1988). The data was obtained from these subjects and analyzed statistically on the sub scale of Physical Functioning scale (PF), Role-Physical scale (RP), Bodily Pain scale (BP), General Health scale (GH), Vitality scale(VT), Social Functioning scale (SF), Role-Emotional scale (RE), Mental Health scale (MH). The statistical technique employed for analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. The level of significance chosen was 0.05. The result of the study indicates that there were significant difference obtained among male sports person and non-sports person on the sub-scale of general health (GH). However there were no significant difference among male sports person and non-sports person on the sub-scales of Physical Functioning scale (PF), Role-Physical scale (RP), Bodily Pain scale (BP), Vitality scale (VT), Social Functioning scale (SF), Role-emotional scale (RE), Mental Health scale (MH).
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