This study determined the effects of an 8-week intermittent aerobic exercise training on the resting electrocardiogram and physiological parameters of institutional security personnel in Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC). The study adopted a pretest-posttest-control group experimental design. The population for the study were male security personnel of OAUTHC, Ile-Ife. Forty middle-aged volunteers who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to either of Intermittent Training Group, ITG (n = 20) or control (n = 20). A structured exercise training programme, Intermittent Exercise Training Programme was used to train the ITG for 8 weeks. Resting ECG was recorded pre and post-intervention with a 12-lead Electrocardiograph, weight and height were measured with an electronic BMI scale. Blood pressure was recorded before and after exercise sessions. Participants in ITG performed the 12-minutes run/walk test before and after the 8 weeks intervention. Borg’s rating of perceived exertion scale was used to gauge exercise intensity and a structured data sheet was used for recording data. Paired- sample t- Test statistics was used to analyse data. The results showed that intermittent aerobic exercise training neither produced significant effect on the resting ECG parameters in terms of intervals; RR- interval (t = -0.79; p > 0.05), P- wave duration (t = -0.64; p > 0.05), PR- interval (t = -0.08; p > 0.05), QRS- Complex (t = -0.99; p > 0.05) and QTC (t = -1.20; p > 0.05) nor axes P- Axis (t = -0.06; p > 0.05), QRS- Axis (t = 0.78; p > 0.05) and T- Axis (t = 0.60; p > 0.05). It however affected participants’ heart rate (t = 4.41; p < 0.05) and VO2 max (t = -11.25; p < 0.05). The study concluded that intermittent aerobic exercise training produced no significant effect on the resting ECG parameters but significantly reduced heart rate and increased VO2 max.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2010
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