The pervasiveness of commercialization in sports is responsible for enormous amount of money as oriented through its primary and secondary participants in the urban contexts of West Bengal especially in the city of Kolkata. The degree of seriousness and importance given to it is to make money by the players, trainers, officials, technicians, sponsors, spectators, and mass media and so on. It is now one of the fastest growing industries with a commanding position in the popular cultures of West Bengal under globalization. Thus, soccer has become commercialized, and hence, highly specialized forms of business industry with an increasing appeal of global corporate marketing. The business professionals control, sponsor and promote sports to expand their markets and maximized profits, build positive brand awareness. The transnational corporations use soccer for introducing their products services all around the country on global scale. The present paper analyzes the nature and extent of sports industry with prime emphasis on sports marketing especially in the domain of soccer along with its allied technology mass media and advertising as one of the major commercial sport events in West Bengal.
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