The autistic children (ASD) have been expressing impairments of certain area of development which including communication, socialization, gross motor skills and physical activity behavior. Indeed physical activities are the tools for developmental process of children with ASD, predominantly gross motor development. The objectives of this systematic review are to describe research on recommended physical activities and level of gross motor skills of ASD children. The referred research articles involved physical activities, TGMD-3 and ASD. Searching keywords were used to get articles from selected electronic databases over 18 year’s period from 2000 to 2018. 12 articles were identified pre-determined inclusion criteria out of 124 articles. These articles were examined in terms of: (a) nature of participants, (b) research methodology, (c) variables and testing tools, (d) findings & outcome. Physical activity intervention implemented with N: 243 participants with ASD age category in between 4 – 19 years. Exercise intervention involved locomotor and object control skills (varied kinds of walking, jogging, aquatic exercise). Children with ASD are predominantly impaired with stereotyped behavior and lack of physical activities. Majority of results suggested that systematic planned physical activity intervention can decrease stereotyped behavior and better gross motor development.
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