Athuy Marma, Nguyen Sy Duc, Nguyen Tien Loi


Football is ruminated in the guise of the most foremost and modish sports in Bangladesh reminiscent of other countries of the world, as sports are frolicked under prodigious coercion, young football athletes perpetually stumble into divergent circumstances which incorporate affirmative and apathetic scenarios confiding in athlete’s concurrent whereabouts & prospect dispatch which narrates to burnout. The perusal maneuvered motivation as an independent variable, basic need satisfaction which exerted as mediator variable and social support plied as moderator variable that governed young player’s burnout to ebb or to surge. The purpose of the study was to interrogate the relationship among burnout and motivation, social support, basic need satisfaction. The paper pursued quantitative technique to amass accessible data in which five hundred and twelve adolescent football players were surveyed in Bangladesh and their age ranged between 15 to 25 years. The survey questionnaire was in four tranches encompassing Athlete burnout questionnaire, Basic Need Satisfaction scale, Motivation questionnaire & SARASON Social Support scale; furthermore, the study wielded Pearson Correlation analysis, Moderated regression analysis and Process in the course of score reckoning. The study instituted that motivation and social support unconstructively associated with burnout and basic need satisfaction allied moderately with the burnout, when burnout escalates, motivation, social support, and basic need satisfaction went down or when burnout dwindles all of the independent variables augment. The research formed factors relationship with each other and comprehended coping tactic how athletes could trounce their melancholy, fatigue and mental grievance to burgeon their sports recital and would scrutinize players commotion towards their contented & constructive precinct as well.


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burnout, basic need satisfaction, motivation, social support, Bangladesh

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