The bar is one of the most attractive gymnastic disciplines that abound with elements of varying degrees of difficulty. The glide kip represents one part of the choreography of movements that the gymnast should master to the highest level in order to achieve as successful a transition as possible to other more complex elements. 2D kinematical analysis has the potential to objectively register the planar movements and that’s why the purpose of this research was to use this method to determine and compare the kinematic characteristics of the element in gymnasts and students. The research shows very similar results in the angular displacement in the hip joint and the difference in the angular velocity. Also, students show a different direction of swinging with their legs in the fourth phase. Regarding the time characteristics, the gymnasts and the students have different time duration but a very similar rhythm of movement. The largest difference is the angular displacement and the angular velocity in the knee joint. The obtained results can serve as a benchmark for the key elements of the movement which are important for a successful performance of the element and where instructions should be targeted during learning and improving the element in such a sample of respondents.
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