The first information about the use of the squares was reached at the time of the Gokturks and continued with the Seljuk Empire. In the cosmology of the Seljuk Empire period, the sky squares / (Gokmeydan) provided the four basic elements which were; economy, military physical education, socialization, and sport. One of the most important elements to be considered about the sport was the establishment and operation of Sky square / (Gokmeydan) institutions while Seljuks were urbanizing. Even, it is known that Nizam al-Mulk, vizier of Sultan Malik-Shah I, was working on this issue intensively (İşcan, 1988). In this way, the sport was organized by the state to organize the sports, as well as sportsman training, protection, and nutrition. The sport was also influenced by the changing urbanization culture. In particular, it played an active role in ensuring security and urbanization in rural areas. The most striking example of this was the establishment of sports lodges for various branches in rural areas where urbanization was possible. As urbanization began, these sports lodges and buildings belonged to those lodges became a district of the city. To become the best fighting society, the Seljuk Empire reached its goal using its all facilities through Sky squares and Sports lodges. In addition to military physical education (both man and horse in terms of the period), Sky squares/ (Gokmeydan) and Sport lodges, which were opened to the people living in the city on certain days of the week, caused the public to operate in various sports branches as well as the establishment of enterprises that produce sports instruments of their interest and contribute to Seljuk economy.
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