The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational climate and mental health in the staff of the Department of Sports and Youth of Gilan Province. The present research is a descriptive – correlational research. In terms of purpose, this study is applied research and the data were collected in a cross sectional study in 2017. The population of this study included all male and female experts in the department of sport and youth in Gilan province, which 123 individuals were randomly selected using Morgan table. The data collection tool was a standard organizational climate questionnaire and mental health questionnaire. The content validity as well as the form of the questionnaire were approved by the experts and the reliability of the standard questionnaires in this study was 0.83 and 0.88, respectively. Descriptive statistics and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Pearson correlation and linear regression tests were used for data analysis. The results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between organizational climate with mental health and its components such as depression, anxiety, physical complaints, psychosis, allergy and aggression of research samples. The results of linear regression also showed that about 59% of the dependent variable variations (mental health) are related to the independent variable (organizational climate). Finally, since the relationships between variables are confirmed, it is suggested that to provide a healthy and intimate atmosphere and increase and maintain the morale and reduce the incidence of mental disorders of the employees and consequently, the obligated performance of individuals in order to attain the goals of the department of the sport and youth of Gilan province.
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