The concepts of phenomenological studies were focused worldly on the assessment of the lived experiences of disabled persons. The current studies were focusing on the lived experiences of visually impaired student in the one central University of India. These studies were conducted by personal interviews of ten visually impairment students. An outcome of this research explores many difficulties overcoming in the higher education learning process of the visually impaired student. This was due to the several major factors involved behinds this as deficient of modern devices of teaching, class lecture recorder, financial problems, over formalities burden by institutions at the time of examination and admission. Psychosocial adjustment in the new environments is another factor who affected education. Learning is a lifelong process which can affect individuals. Every moment of life of the visually impaired student from school to higher education has been a significant role in its own life and such an impact should not be denied. Therefore, this is necessary to provide special support for the improvement of career success among individuals who are visually impaired and avoid their educated barrier in the higher education system.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2381
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