The present study examined energy expenditure, metabolic equivalent (MET) intensities of karate exercises for health promotion, and bone properties of karate practitioners to examine the health aspects of karate as physical education and an extracurricular activity. The mean energy expenditure following a 70-minute karate practice was 563 kcal for men and 268 kcal for women. The calculated mean MET intensities resulting from the 70-minute karate practice were 7.9 METs for men and 5.2 METs for women. The mean MET intensities of all exercises for men and women were above 3 METs which is defined as “active physical activity” in the “Physical Activity Reference for Health Promotion 2013” in Japan. Practicing karate, especially sparring techniques, may help to enhance bone mineral density. It appears that longer duration, higher frequency, and earlier start of physical training positively influenced skeletal status.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Hiroyuki Imamura, Kazuto Oda, Kentaro Tai, Kazuhide Iide, Gou Hayata, Noriaki Hatashima, Yoshitaka Yoshimura

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