The aim of the study was to compare Quadriceps group of muscles and Hamstring group of muscles during soccer Instep kick. Methodology: The investigator had selected Eight male soccer players of inter University/national level were selected as subjects for the study. Hence, purposive sampling was considered for selection of subjects. The age of subjects ranged from 18-25 years. All the subjects were selected from Banaras District. These players had represented inter University/national level and had no lower extremity injuries or any bone joint disparities in the past years. By reviewing the literature and in consultation with the expert, the research scholar carried out an intensive study and selected major muscles such as Rectus femories, Vastus lateralis and Vastus medialis from quadriceps group and Biceps femoris, Semimembranous and Semitendinous from hamstring group of muscles. The criterion measure adopted for this study was measured by Neuro track Myoplus 2/4 channel. After a brief warm-up, and electrode placement, participants performed the instep kick. Descriptive statistics and One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the data. Results: Results of this study have shown that, mean value of Vastus Lateralis muscles have the highest activation with Mean (196.8) and insignificant difference found among the selected muscles i.e. Vastus Lateralis, Rectus femoris, Semimembranous, Biceps femoris, Vastus Medialis and Semitendinous during instep kick from penalty spot in soccer. Where calculated F (0.706) is less than Tabulated F (2.44). Conclusion: On the basis of result and finding it may be concluded that while Instep kicking in football Vastus Lateralis shows the highest activation. Comparison between all selected muscles contraction in lower limb of thigh muscles were found insignificant during the instep kick in soccer, this insignificant was found because the functioning of all the selected muscles are working together in reciprocal way.
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