Purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of order & combination of stretching methods on the cricket players even though cricket is the most popular team sport worldwide. The main objectives of the study were to find out the acute effects of combined stretching methods on the flexibility, speed & agility. Methodology: 60 male cricket players (age: 20.13333±1.334999 years; body height: 172.1833± 6.466559 cm; BMI: 22.20667± 1.927076 kg/m2) were randomly allocated in three groups i.e. Group A = 20 combined static dynamic stretching (CSD), Group B = 20combined dynamic static stretching (CDS) and Group C = routine stretching (control) group. Subjects of Group A & B performed warm up (5min jogging) followed by CSD and CDS stretching protocol of 30 sec of stretch and 20 sec of rest interval with 5 repetition respectively. The pre and post evaluation of Flexibility, Speed & Agility were done by the V Sit and reach,20 meter dash test & Illinois Agility test respectively Result: The result of the study revealed that all three parameter showed significant difference in both Group A=CSD and Group B=CDS when compared with Group C=Routine stretching (P<0.001). Conclusion: The study concluded that cricket players performed well after combined stretching methods i.e., combined static dynamic and combined dynamic static than routine stretching concerning to flexibility, speed & agility.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2491
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