This article is a descriptive study aimed to determine the attitudes of secondary school students to play games that involve physical activity. Study’s universe is defined as middle school students, studying in the school official connected to the Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Education. In the study’s sample group, 895 students (481 boys, 414 girls) were in secondary school. In obtaining research data, playfulness scale it was used developed by the Hazar (2015). Independent samples t test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis it was used in the analysis of data. As a result, including physical activity was higher in male students' attitudes towards playing the game, but not seen in terms of gender differences in the level of social adaptation, generally in our study, level of social adaptation of middle school students it was found to be low. In the age variable, male students increased their scores were in the age increases Playfulness scale, girl students in the passion for the game and desire to play in attitudes was seen increases with age, the risk-taking in size between the groups were not significantly different.
Article visualizations:
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