The aim of this study is to determine the influence of motor skills (repetitive strength and coordination) on the success of performance freestyle swimming before and after the completed swimming training program. The research was conducted on a sample of 90 students, both male and female, aged 11-12, the fifth grade of primary school students from Novi Grad municipality in Sarajevo, with 6 motor variables and 1 criterion variable. A regression analysis was used to determine the effects of repetitive power and coordination on the performance of freestyle swimming. By analyzing the presented results of the regression analysis it can be concluded that after the initial measurement of the variables for the repetitive power estimation, the most important and statistically significant influence on the criterion variable OCJTEH had the following predictor motor variables: MRSDTZ (BETA) = 0.217, which is significant at p = 0.033, MRSSKL (BETA) = 0.285, which is significant at p = 0.007, MRSDCU (BETA) = 0.383 which is significant at p = 0.000, and in coordination the following predictor motor variables: MKOPRP (BETA) = 0.393, which is significant at p = 0.001, MKOPRL (BETA) = 0.198, which is significant at p = 0.049, MKOOUZ (BETA) = 0.268 which is significant at = 0.004. After the final measurement of the variables for the assessment of motor abilities (repetitive forces and coordination) the most significant influence on the OCJTEH criterion variable (swimming for 25 m free technique) had the same variables as in initial measurement: at repetitive force variables – MRSDTZ, MRSSKL, MRSDCU, in co-ordination variables – MKOPRP, MKOPRL, MKOOUZ.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Elvira Nikšić, Edin Beganović, Marko Joksimović, Samira Nasrolahi, Ivan Đoković

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