Purpose: The purpose of this research; Physical fitness of 12-14-year-old cycling athletes. Methods: Twenty-five girls cycling athletes and 22 non-athletes participated in the study. Participants were asked about the number of training sessions, daily training duration, and sports histories. Participants who were close to each other according to the answers given were included in the study. According to the normality test results of the groups, Independent correlation T-test and parametric tests were used to determine the correlation between the parameters. Conclusions: In the study, it was found that the flexibility level of bicycle athletes was higher than the non-sport group. In our study, body mass index and body fat ratio values were found to be significantly lower when compared with children in the same age group who did not do sports. As a result, cycling in children is thought to be effective for health-related physical fitness components. Considering these differences between cycling athletes aged 12-14 years and non-athletes, significant differences in parameters such as flexibility, body fat ratio, and body mass index were observed in cycling athletes.
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