Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the effects of fun tennis training on some motoric features and tennis skills of 8-10 age group girls who have just started tennis. Method: 16 club athletes and 8 students’ volunteers, consisting of female athletes from Izmit Tennis Club, participated in the study. Motoric test measurements were taken from all athletes before the first measurements. Then, by random method club athletes experiment1 (E1), experiment2 (E2) and control (C) group, 24 athletes in total participated in the research. The training sessions were applied 3 days a week and 60 minutes a day for 8 weeks. Entertaining tennis training for E1 group, traditional club technical training program for E2 group and mini tennis training within the scope of sportive activities for Izmit Youth Services and Sports District Directorate were given to C group. Measurement data Parametric tests were accepted in SPSS 22.0 program and ANOVA analyzes and Pared Sample T Test results were taken to evaluations. Findings: Significant differences were found (p <0.05) in results of E1 group 30s Push-up (p = 0.02), 30s Sit-up (p = 0.03), Ball Throwing (p = 0.001), Standing Long Jump (p = 0.004), Vertical Jump (p = 0.006) and T Test (p = 0.015) results at the end of the trainings. There was a significant difference in Dyer Board (p = 0.017), Dewitt Dugan (p = 0.011) and Wall Catch coordination tests (p = 0.021) in tennis skill tests (p <0.05). While there was no significant difference in E2 and C groups in motor feature tests (p> .05), there was a significant difference in tennis skill tests in E2 group as a result of T test (p = 0.001) (p <.05). As a result of the intergroup analysis, there was a development in favor of the E1 group in terms of mean differences, but no significant difference was found (p> .05). As a result of the T test in tennis skill tests, the E1 group improved compared to the C group (p = 0.037). Result: It has been determined that fun tennis exercises applied to 8-10 age group girls have an impact on selected motor skills like push-up, sit-up, ball throwing, standing long jump and vertical jump skills and tennis skills. In order to provide infrastructure development for athletes, it can be said that performance improvements can be achieved by practicing coordinated skills together with tennis skills in training programs.
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