For the scope of this research, many other researches have been done with the participation of 143 male students from the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health in Skopje, Macedonia. By doing 17 anthropometric measures, 29 motor tests and 8 helping tests to recognize the psychological characteristics, the structure of this element is analyzed by the three important tests that we mentioned them earlier and the successful technical performance of this element, the neck or head spring on the floor. There are three anthropometric dimensions, eight motor factors and five psychological factors with analysis of the motor placement. A regressive analysis is used to define the relations between the isolated factors. From the used regressive analysis where the anthropometric system, system of motor factors and the system of psychological factors are used as predictors. The main criterium is the performance of the gymnastic element the neck or head spring on the floor while the predictors show important influence on the criterion. Many isolated factors of the three subspaces: morphological, motor and psychological influence the criterion.
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