The study looked into the sexual health behavior of teenage secondary school students in AMAC Local Government Area of FCT. It looked at a number of reasons for students’ engagement in illicit sexual behavior, part of which include: peer pressure, poor parenting, poverty, unrestrained access to social media through phone and laptops and host of others. It equally pointed out the consequences of unacceptable sexual health behavior of students which also include: unwanted pregnancy, risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, high possibility of dropping out of school and high economic burden. The study structured three research questions and one hypothesis. The proffered solutions were that parents should endeavor to devote more attention to their children particularly the ones at their formative ages of adolescence. It also recommended that unrestricted use of phones or internet should be corrected, also, efforts should be made towards ensuring that students whose self-esteem is low are encouraged so that there could be a paradigm shift. In addition, the schools should not take for granted the unacceptable behavioral tendencies of their students. If nipped in the bud, there would not be any need for battling with society problems.
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