Speaking in our country is a new but fairly deep-rooted phenomenon, Fair Play means nice and fair play as a concept. Fair play can also be explained in the game and ultimately with the understanding of being principled and measured. However, with the 20th century, the commercialization and professionalization of sports started to evacuate this concept. Regardless of the way, the desire to win can be observed even in traditionally organized sports practices such as Kırkpınar. Kırkpınar Wrestling, which is included in the intangible cultural heritage list by UNESCO, is one of the centuries-long examples of fair play spirit and its reflection in practices. To draw attention to the practices that reveal the concept of fair play in Kırkpınar will strengthen the perception of fair play in the society. In this study, cultural values in the tradition of “Kırkpınar Wrestling”, rituals and practices that can be shown as examples of fair play are tried to be analyzed by literature scanning method.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2914
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