The javelin throw sport is one of the activities to be taught to Bachelor of Education (Science Education) students in the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify the performance of javelin throw among Bachelor of Education (Science Education) students. Method: This research used the one-short case study design. The sample involved was 48 people (male = 12; female = 36). Before taking the javelin throw test, all students had undergone javelin throw exercises once a week. Javelin throw practices were conducted for 4 weeks only. On Week 5, male and female students took the javelin throw test. Result: For male students, there were 10.42% who achieved Very Low javelin throw distance score, 8.3% achieved Low javelin throw distance score, 2.08% achieved Quite High javelin throw distance score, and 4.1% achieved Very High javelin throw distance score. Whereas for female students, 29.1% achieved Very Low javelin throw distance score, 37.5% achieved Low javelin throw distance score, 8.33% achieved Quite High javelin throw distance score, and 6.25% achieved Very High javelin throw distance score. In overall, out of 48 students, only 8.33% achieved Quite High javelin throw distance score and 6.25% achieved Very High javelin throw distance score. The results of this study showed that the percentage of students with Low javelin throw distance score is higher than the percentage of students with High javelin throw distance score. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that the performance of javelin throw among Bachelor of Education (Science Education) students needs to be enhanced by increasing the number of training sessions per week. Besides, the use of more effective javelin throw technique should be emphasized.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Ali Abdulhusen, Abd Karim Zulakbal

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