In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of balance-enhancing training applied to competitor women in different team sports. The sample of the study consisted of a total 36 women competitors studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences and participating in inter-university competitions. The necessary permissions were obtained for the athletes who voluntarily participated in the study, and the consent form was filled in. Athletes who were injured and had any disability were not included in the study. The average age, height and body weight of the athletes are respectively; for handball player (n=12) (21.5±1.49 years, 170.0±2.26 cm, 64.0±2.68 kg); for basketball players (n=12) (20.6±1.47 yıl, 180.3±3.27 cm, 75.8±3.36 kg) and futsal player (n=12) (24.3±1.25 yıl, 177.8±3.05 cm, 73.8±3.36 kg). In the research, pretest and posttest experimental methods were used. The athletes were examined in 3 groups for 8 weeks, 2 days a week, 8 movements of balance-improving training program, and the change in their balance was examined. In the study, the Y Balance Test (YDT) was used before and after the balance-enhancing training program in women handball, futsal and basketball athletes from the team sports, and the arithmetic averages (X) and standard deviations (SD) were recorded in the computer environment before and after the post-test measurements. Descriptive statistics of the volunteers were taken and subjected to normality test. Peer sample and paired sample t test were used to examine the relationships between sports branches, the level of significance within and between the groups was examined at the level of 0.05. The balance training performed for 8 weeks caused positive changes in handball players (p <0.05) but did not caused any change in the basketball and futsal players. As a result, it was found that basketball and futsal players participating in the research had better balance than women's handball players did. Given the importance of balance in asymmetric sports, coaches may be advised to put studies that develop this feature into training programs.
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