This study was conducted to find out eye-hand coordination, arm power and arm length towards groundstroke forehand ability on tennis of PBMO physical education in UMPP. This study uses a correlational research method. The sample of this study were male and female students who attended the PMBO UMPP Physical Education Study Program, totaling 15 people. Data collection procedures include licensing, sampling and data processing. The results of data collection will be processed by the following stages: editing, coding, processing, and cleaning. Data analysis in this study uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a relationship between hand eye coordination and the forehand groundstroke ability of 0.561 and a relative contribution of 19.83% and an effective contribution of 14.87%. There is a relationship between arm power to the results of groundstroke forehand capability of 0.765 and a relative contribution of 39.68% and an effective contribution of 29.76%. There is a relationship between arm length and the result of forehand groundstroke ability of 0.645 and a relative contribution of 25.93% and an effective contribution of 19.45%. There is a relationship among eye hand coordination, arm power and arm length on the results of the forehand groundstroke ability of 0.812 and an effective contribution of 81.20%. The value of F among hand eye coordination, arm power, and arm length on the ability of forehand ground tennis stroke (Y) is 15,804. The conclusions of this study are: (1) There is a relationship between hand eye coordination and the ability of the forehand groundstroke. (2) There is a relationship between arm power and forehand groundstroke ability. (3) There is a relationship between arm length and forehand groundstroke ability. (4) There is a relationship between hand eye coordination, arm power and arm length on the ability of the forehand groundstroke. The value of F among hand eye coordination, arm power, and arm length on the ability towards groundstroke forehand ability on tennis (Y) is 15,804. The conclusions of this study are: (1) There is a relationship between hand eye coordination and forehand groundstroke ability. (2) There is a relationship between arm power and forehand groundstroke ability. (3) There is a relationship between arm length and forehand groundstroke ability. (4) There is a relationship among hand eye coordination, arm power and arm length towards forehand groundstroke ability.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mega Widya Putri, Gilang Nuari Panggraita, M. Riski Adi Wijaya, Z. Zaenudin

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