N. Neeraj, Parminder Singh Ahluwalia


The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship of physical activity level with self-esteem, anthropometric characteristics and body composition among male college teachers. Total 300 male college teachers from different colleges of Malwa Region of Punjab were selected thorough purposive sampling technique. The age of subjects ranged between 31 to 60 years. Height was measured by using the standard anthropometric rod. Body weight of the subjects was measured with a portable weighing machine. Body mass index was then calculated using the formula weight (kg)/height2 (m). The skinfolds thicknesses of body parts of the subjects were taken with Harpenden skinfold caliper. Percentage body fat as estimated from the sum of skinfolds was calculated using standardized equations. Physical activity level of the subjects was evaluated with the help of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version (2002). Self-esteem of the subjects was examined with the help of Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale. The results of the study revealed that 30 % of male college teachers were physically inactive, 54.67% were moderately active and 15.33% were highly physically active. It was shown from results that 47 % of male college teachers had normal weight, 41.33% were overweight and 11.67% were reported to be obese. The result of the study shows that physical activity level of college teachers was found to have significantly negative relationship with height (p<0.05), weight (p<0.05), BMI (p<0.05), fat percent (p<0.05) and lean body mass(p<0.05). Self-esteem had significantly positive association (p<0.05) with physical activity level among college teachers. It is concluded that the physical activity enhances the self-esteem and body composition among the college teachers.


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physical activity, percent body fat, self-esteem, inactivity, college teachers

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