Introduction and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 16 Week recreational games training on Hand Eye Co-ordination and Gross movement in elderly adult tribal women. Method: The sample consists of total 20 elderly adult tribal women between the ages of 51 to 55 years selected by random method. Participants were given various recreational games training for 3 days and 45 minutes a week. Participants' Hand Eye Co-ordination and Gross movement were measured before, mid and after the recreational games training. The obtained data were evaluated statistically at (p<0.05) level. Results: There were significant differences in Hand Eye Co-ordination and Gross movement of elderly adult tribal women participating in the study compared to different phases of training (p<0.05). Conclusions: As a result, regular practice of recreational games had positive effect on Hand Eye Co-ordination and Gross movement in elderly adult tribal women aged 51 -55 years. From the above findings it can be said that such regular recreational games are necessary for a healthy life as well as a sense of relaxation and stress reduction is experienced.
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