Mental imagery has long been the focus of researchers in sports psychology and motor learning. The purpose of this study is to compare Pet Lep and traditional mental imagery methods in the performance of football goalkeepers. For this purpose, 30 (13 males and 17 females) male and female goalkeepers aged 18 to 30 years were selected as a statistical sample using random cluster sampling. Subjects were divided into three groups and underwent specific exercises. The program of the first group consisted of practical exercises with mental imagery using the Pet Lep method, the second group consisted of practical exercises with mental imagery using the traditional method, and the third group consisted of practical exercises. Then, in the seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first and twenty-eighth sessions, all subjects were given a standard ball test and their learning progress was measured. The collected data were then statistically analyzed by one-factor analysis of variance test and Tukey test. Research findings showed that there is a significant difference in the level of learning the ball skill between Pet Lep mental imagery group and traditional illustration group and traditional illustration group and control group in all three stages of training. Also, a significant difference was observed in the retention of ball skills after one week of training between the Pet Lep mental imaging group and the traditional and control mental imaging groups. Finally, it is suggested that sports coaches and trainers use the Pet Lep imaging method in appropriate situations.
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