Neysi Fatemeh, Zourmand Gholamreza, Iryna Skrypchenko, Olena Dorofieieva, Kseniia Yarymbash


With regard of the relationship and effect between body and mind, especially on some of the immune system's factors, it is essential to examine the effects and how they are controlled. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of eight weeks of progressive muscle relaxation and B complex consumption on blood Monocyte, lymphocytes, PH changes result of anxiety. The statistical population of this study was students in secondary school. The sample consisted of two groups of 15 (experimental and control group) who were selected randomly. Tools included a biofeedback device (GSR) to test the level of anxiety and the SPO device (CBC) to measure blood factors. The training groups done programs for 8 weeks, three session and 40 minutes each session and done 4 set, they exercised under the supervision of the researcher and consuming 100mg of B-complex every day. After 8 weeks, biochemical tests and anxiety tests were repeated again. Results showed eight weeks progressive muscle relaxation with B complex consumption have significant effect on blood monocyte, lymphocytes, PH causes by anxiety. As regarding the significant improvement of safety indexes after relaxation exercises and consumption B complex, it is recommended that athletes and people to reduce their dangerous immune system symptoms use the methods of results in the present study.

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anxiety, relaxation, B complex, infection, blood PH

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i8.3452


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Copyright (c) 2020 Neysi Fatemeh, Zourmand Gholamreza, Iryna Skrypchenko, Olena Dorofieieva, Kseniia Yarymbash

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