Ali Kemal Taşkin


In the study, it was aimed to examine the effect of folk dance practice of Gaziantep region on 30 meters sprint performance. A total of 64 women, 32 experimental groups and 32 control groups, who had no previous sports background and did not play folk dances voluntarily participated in the study. For eight weeks, the experimental group played games with high levels of movement, such as koseyri, maney, havarişko, sparrow, and hallum, belonging to the Gaziantep region, for two days three hours a week on Saturdays and Sundays. Measurements were taken as a pre-test before the training program started and as a post-test after the training program. In our study, 30 meter sprint test was used for the subjects. In the data obtained at the end of the study, a statistically significant difference was found in the comparison of the pre-test and post-test results of the 30 meter sprint performance values of the experimental group (P <0.05). In comparison of the pre-test and post-test results of 30 meters sprint performance values of the control group; Statistical significance was not determined (P> 0.05). As a result, we think that the dances played in folk dances studies contributed positively to the speed development.

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woman, folk dance, sprint

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