Marino A. Garcia, Marlon T. Bojos, Geraldine U. Sy


The study determined the potential factors in the engagement of students’ physical activity beyond regular physical education class. Participants were 476 secondary students aged between 16 and 22 from randomly selected public and private schools of Metro Cebu, Philippines. Cross-sectional survey design was used to examine the potential factors of students in engaging physical activity such as autonomy support, behavioural regulations, and intentions outside school. The study highlighted on the presence of physical learning resources or equipment as perceived by students as strong support in the continuous engagement in physical activity. Moreover, internal regulation is more accepted reason for students in allowing themselves to participate in any physical activity. Further, the intention of the students in partaking in physical activity is a form of leisure time for them. It is concluded that students and/or individuals will participate or engage in physical activity if they perceived supported and motivated. Additionally, it is recommended to provide and/or maintain high quality P.E. learning resources and fortify the engagement of students in physical activity in school through physical education subject to ensure higher transcendence at home and in the community.

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intentions, physical education, autonomy support, behavioural regulations

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i10.3571


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