Anthony Muchiri, Edwin K. Wamukoya, Donald Kokonya


Four different confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models, including CFAs with correlated traits, uniqueness’s, and methods, were employed to test the factorial structure of Rosenberg’s (1965) self-esteem scale in a sample of injured male rugby players in the Kenya cup competition. The outcome of the factorial analysis to some extent concurs with studies conducted earlier. These finding depict that (a) there exists a single global self-esteem factor underlying responses to Rosenberg scale; (b) method effects associated with item wording exist; and (c) the method effects were associated primarily with positively, rather than negatively, worded items. The sample consisted of 105 injured male rugby players the average age was 21.7±5.3 years, and the majority 23.8% were 20 years old. Majority 67.6% (n=71) of the respondents were forwards, while 32.4% (n=34) were backs. 82.9% were not capped with the national team while 11.4% (n=12) weighed 70kgs. The research hypothesized a four-factor structure of the RSES utilizing CFA with the SPSS-AMOS 16. The first model outcome was, (X2=132.2 df=35 CFI=0.561 NFI=0.463 RMSEA=0.163 SRMR=0.1373 AIC=192.2. The second model (X2=77.609 df=27 CFI=0.748 NFI=0.685 RMSEA=0.134 SRMR=0.1197 AIC=153.609). The third model was a Uni-dimensional positive wording X2=58.378 df=25 CFI=0.834 NFI=0.763 RMSEA=0.113 SRMR=0.0888 AIC=138.378. Finally, a model was run on Positive and Negative wording correlated, the outcomes (X2=79.68 df=34 CFI=0.748 NFI=0.685 RMSEA=0.114 SRMR=0.1151 AIC=121.68). Every model, including the single-factor model (Model 1), fits data adequately. However, the function of a single theoretical dimension (GSE) was contaminated by method effects. Our results show that method effects need to be taken into account to obtain a close model fit (i.e., RMSEA < 0.05).

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self-esteem, rugby players, model, structural equation modelling, Kenya Cup

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i12.3681


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