the reality of teaching. The strength of the program is identified in dance and sports while the teaching of health, music and arts-related courses were regarded weak. Graduates perceived level of self – efficacy was high as indicated by their ability to develop initiatives towards professional growth, and to work with people of different backgrounds. Further, three (3) emerging themes revealed as the self-instilled work values of the graduates such as persistence, love of work and open-mindedness that assisted them to be able to sustain and survive in their teaching career. This study concluded that Music, Arts and Physical Education (MAPE) is still relevant even with the existence of the new mandated Physical Education curricular program to the development of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies of the MAPE graduates vis-à-vis to the demand and need of the labor market and of what is expected from them in this changing time.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v7i1.3775
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