Rasool Nazari, Saeid Mahmoodizad Azari


The present study intends to design a value model for professional players in the Iranian Football. The present study has been done with exploratory nature and with the aim of expanding the existing knowledge and understanding about capabilities in the field of football in order to present the model from the findings derived from the code, an attempt has been made to use a structural approach of data-based theory of the Charms Foundation. Three overlapping processes in the structural analysis of data-based theory are: Primary, centralized, and theoretical coding. In the implementation of the research, data collection and analysis were done consciously simultaneously, and the initial data were collected in order to form the process of continuous data collection. Participants included people familiar with the Iranian professional football, who were purposefully selected. Based on the findings in this stage of the research, out of about 220 sentences implemented from the interviews, after removing duplicate and unrelated items, 109 primary codes were identified and marked by the researcher in the first stage. In centralized coding, it was divided into 7 categories. Finally, at the highest level of reduction or brevity, the categories of construction were reduced to three general categories of equity, requirements and market value of a player, which in the most desirable way, integrated the concepts created in the research into three levels. The final price or value of a football player in the Iranian Premier League in the transfer market is determined based on the player's special values.

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value, player, football, model, data-based theory

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