Ömer Tarkan Tuzcuoğulları


The aim of this study was to investigation of injury variances and reasons of Traditional Turkish Folk Dancers. Totally three hundred sixty dancers who were 180 male and 180 female, participated in the study. The all subjects were elite dancer and were dance in Karşılama, Zeybek, Kaşık, Horon, Bar, and Halay regions. The survey form used for determining injury regions, variances and reasons. Obtained data were analyzed from frequencies and percentages. As a result, some internal and external factors that are effective in injuries reveal that the trainers should be in a more systematic approach under the training light. According to obtained data, it is observed that there is a wide range of injury risk to unsystematic loading and rest periods from pre-warming and cooling. In this sense, applying the training principles correctly will prevent the injuries of the players with a great extent. Nonetheless, the treatment process of injuries is also important in term of returning to the exercise on time. It is also one of the important roles of the trainer to persuade the player to go to the physician’s control after the injury, to provide physiological support during treatment process and to strengthen the injured region with exercises.


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dance, Turkish folk dance, injury, traditional


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