Evangelia Kefi-Chatzichamperi, Irene Kamberidou


In Greece, sport as a tool for the promotion of gender integration and social justice has been included in the upcoming National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAPGE) for 2021-2025 by the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The social space of sport is also included in the currently in effect NAPGE, formulated for 2016-2020 by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) of the Ministry of the Interior. This article begins with a presentation of the upcoming-updated NAPGE 2021-2025 and subsequently examines NAPGE 2016-2020 which is currently in effect. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the strategic goals of the NAPGE are being implemented in the Hellenic Military Higher Education Institutions and specifically in their academic curricula and programs, focusing on coed sport activities. A strategic goal of the NAPGE 2016-2020, as in the one to follow for 2021-2025, is to promote equality in education, culture, sport, and the media. To eliminate gender inequalities the NAPGE, presently in effect in Greek society, sets six strategic goals, and incorporates the gender dimension in all social, political, educational and sports bodies. Following European Commission guidelines, the NAPGE priority areas focus on promoting health; eliminating gender-based violence; supporting equality in education, training, culture, sport, and the media; promoting social integration and equality. As regards education, the main objectives include eliminating gender stereotypes and all forms of discrimination. Research shows that women's sport participation challenges gender stereotypes. Subsequently, women’s integration and gender equality in the military is discussed, using the curricula and sport programs at the five military schools/academies along with the interview data from our previous study with twelve active-duty female officers, former cadets at these five institutions. Our findings indicate that the gender dimension is taken into account: the NAPGE is being implemented, to a certain extent. Our results show that coed sport activities and team sports cultivate acceptance, cohesion, teamwork, and collaborations, leading to women’s integration and inclusion, in addition to a healthier and more productive military environment and culture.

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gender equality, women, Covid pandemic, coronavirus lockdowns, gender-based violence, multiple discrimination, gender harassment, Armed Forces, hegemonic masculinity, military institutions, gender gaps, retention, sport activities, team sports, coed sport

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