Teaching and learning mathematics as a subject has for a long time been a difficult task to both learners and teachers. A great percentage of learners hate mathematics which has led to a high rate of failure in this subject as compared with other subjects at Grade seven and ‘O’ level. Literature content on motivation asserts that once a task is difficult to accomplish there will be low level of motivation and burnout often develops as a result of not succeeding. Modern teaching and learning methods recognize interactive methods as effective especially in science subjects like mathematics. African traditional games are in this study regarded as interactive approaches which have relevant inclusion of every participant in the learning process. Data transcription and thematic coding were expressed on tables and graphs for analysis purpose. This study could assist mathematics teachers in primary and secondary schools in their endeavour to motivate learners into loving mathematics through harnessing the power of traditional games in manipulating complex tasks that fall under the four basic operations i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division etc.. The study observed these objectives: i) identifying traditional games that teach the four basic mathematical operations, ii) explaining the advantages lying in traditional games when teaching and learning mathematical operations at primary level, iii) identifying the mathematical myths that demotivate learners. The study concluded that traditional games like nhodo, tsoro, pada, and madhadha ari pamutsetseare some of the most effective and interesting games in the teaching and learning of mathematics in the primary schools. Regarding the use of traditional games in the teaching and learning process as primitive approach, has contributed to several mathematical myths. It has been recommended that mathematical concepts are easily grasped by a learner who is motivated to learn and learn new concepts through familiar activities. Mathematical teaching approaches must include traditional games. Since traditional games are basically interactive, they should be the cornerstone to the teaching and learning of mathematics as a subject. The teaching of mathematical operations should not be left to teachers alone but parents should also take part
Article visualizations:
introducing to their children some traditional games found in the community and homes.
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