Physical activity (PA) is a parameter of children's life that is straight connected to the benefits of their life (protection against obesity, better psychological profile, and predisposition for increased levels of PA as adult etc.). The purpose of the present study was to evaluate parameters of PA during Physical Education (PE) classes and to explore the subjects that the children participate in the PE course. PA, PE, and sedentary behaviors were assessed by a self-administrated PA checklist, proper for children. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from measured body weight and height. A representative sample of Greek boys and girls aged 10 to 12 years (N=3195) participated in the study. Results showed that boys had higher levels of total and vigorous-intensity PA (VPA), than girls (all p-values<0.05), while girls presented higher light-to-moderate intensity PA as compared to boys. In those days that students participated in PE classes, total PA and VPA were higher in comparison with days didn't, in both sexes (p<0.001), while, a greater proportion of children met the current recommendations for PA (86.1% vs. 69.1% for boys and 68.4% vs. 53.5% for girls). During PE classes, boys participated in a greater proportion than girls in basketball and soccer (all p-values<0.05), while, more girls in comparison to boys participated in volleyball, dance, and jump-rope (all p-values<0.05). Stratified data analysis by BMI category among children who participated in PE classes did not reveal significant differences in time participated in PE components among categories, except for games (e.g. chase, tag) among boys. In conclusion, boys have higher levels of total PA than girls, while, it seems that school and PE classes play a significant role in students' levels of PA which could grow up further with interventions as the increase of hours in PE lessons.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v7i6.4116
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