Rodolfo II M. Osorno, Mary Beth L. Manonag


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating effect of teacher attitude towards a physical education learning environment and the perceived well-being of public school teachers. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 340 respondents of the study who are teachers in Physical Education in public schools (elementary and secondary) in Matanao, Bansalan and Magsaysay (MABAMA), Davao del Sur. The researcher utilized the total population technique and survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized the statistical tools mean, Pearson r, and for the mediation approach Medgraph using Sobel z-test. From the results of the study, it was found out that there is a high level of mean scores for all variables of learning environment, teacher attitude, and perceived well-being of public school teachers. Also, results revealed that there are significant relationships between learning environment and perceived well-being, between learning environment and teacher attitude, and between teacher attitude and perceived well-being of public school teachers. Further, it was revealed that there was a partial mediation on the effect of teacher attitude on the relationship between learning environment and perceived well-being of public school teachers. This implies that the learning environment conveys a good teacher attitude.


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education, learning environment, teacher attitude, perceived well-being, mediating effect, teachers, Philippines

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