Eleni Zetou, Nikolaos Vernadakis, Fereniki Mountaki, Anestis Giannakopoulos


The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of teaching life skills through the volleyball passing skill, of 44 primary school female children and their perceived satisfaction with the program. The sample was randomly assigned into two groups. The life skills group (LSG, n= 23) and the control group (CG, n= 21). All participants followed a six-week practice program aiming the passing skill learning. For the participants of LSG the program was combined with the components of goal setting, problem-solving and positive thinking. The control group received typical teaching and feedback provided by the PE teacher. All participants were evaluated in three measurements: pre-test, post-test and retention test. A qualitative evaluation (five main elements) of the passing technique, which was recorded by the digital camera, was used. Also, a common format for evaluating life skills knowledge perceptions and transfer (10-item questionnaire), which was developed in the Greek population by Papacharisis (2004) based on the work of Hogan (2000), and also a questionnaire for the perceived satisfaction of the students was used (Alexandris, Tsorbatzoudis & Grouios, 2004a, 2004b). Anova repeated measures show that participants of the LSG improved passing skill (p<.05) and showed a positive reception of the program by the students who learned interesting and useful things for their life in general, transferable to other aspects in their life, besides sports. The results of the study support the effectiveness of the life skills program that integrated volleyball passing skill learning, life skills improvement and participants’ perceived satisfaction of the program.


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life skills, passing skill, volleyball, knowledge, perceptions, transfer

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v8i1.4195


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