Umut Canli, Cem Kurt


In this study, we aimed to analyze whether a relationship between anthropometric and physical performance characteristics and ball velocity in different throwing techniques of well-trained female handball players exists. Twelve well-trained female handball players (age, 22.47±4.57 years; body mass, 66.70±11.05 kg; height, 167.33±7.41 cm; handball experience, 9.91±3.47 years) from a local team that participated in Turkey’s First Women’s Handball League were recruited in this study. Anthropometric measurements, body indexes, physical performance, and ball velocity were evaluated in all subjects. A positive relationship was found between ball velocity in 9-m throw after three steps a jump and arm span, bi-iliac breadth, and bi-acromial breadth (r2=0.49; p=0.03, r2=0.50; p=0.03 and r2=0.57; p=0.02, respectively) as well as between ball velocity in 9-m throw after three steps and a jump and Monourier index (r2=0.52; p<0.04). Ball velocity in 9-m throw after three steps and a jump was negatively related to Cormic index (r2=-0.52; p<0.04). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that all performance parameters affect neither the 7-m throw (R=0.85, R2=0.73; F(4-7)=1.61; p>0.33) nor the 9-m throw three steps after and a jump (R=0.88, R2=0.77; F(4-7)=1.96; p>0.26). However, a moderate positive relationship between 9-m throw after three steps and a jump and grip strength (r=0.54; p=0.03) and vertical jump height (r=0.53; p=0.03) was noted. Neither 7-m standing throw nor 9-m throw after three steps and a jump correlated with other variables. Arm span, bi-iliac breadth, bi-acromial breadth, Monourier index score, Cormic index score, vertical jump height, and grip strength may have a positive or negative effect on 9-m throw after three steps and a jump in well-trained female handball players. The results of this study may be useful in the identification of handball skills.


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handball, ball velocity, anthropometry, physical performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v8i2.4261


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