The present study has done with the purpose of investigating factors influencing the development of sports in schools of Kurdistan province. In terms of goal, this study is functional; in terms of strategy is survey –descriptive that was conducted as field. The statistical population includes all sport teachers (894 individuals) and professors of physical education of Universities of Kurdistan province (26 individuals) (N=920) that were active during 2015-2016 academic year in that province. The sample size was calculated 275 using Morgan table and sampling was done by targeting and available method for academic professors and for sport teachers cluster and simple random sampling was done. In order to study the objectives of this study the researcher made questionnaires was constructed which contains 28 item questionnaires that by using similar researches and literature of research prepared in the Likert 5 item. 9 experts in the field of physical education tried to confirm face validity and the content of the questionnaire and the reliability of the questionnaire obtained α=0.81 by the pilot implementation on the 40 members of the research community and by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The binomial test was used for data analysis. It should be noted that in this study SPSS version 22 was used for data analyzing. Results showed that economic, social and cultural, organizational management, facilities and sports equipment, technology and political factors influencing the development of school sports in the Kurdistan province. It became clear that prioritize of components and items affecting development of sports schools in the Kurdistan province Are different that according to these findings, recommends to Department of Education in Kurdistan province that provide necessary measurements to promote the development of sports schools.
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