Mert Karka, Fırat Akcan


The aim of this study is to examine the post-exercise recovery knowledge levels of fitness trainers in terms of various variables. 150 fitness trainers (103 men, 47 women) were included in the study on a voluntary basis. A structured questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as the data collection method in the research. In the first part of the form, a questionnaire consisting of questions determining the descriptive features was applied, and in the second part, the Sports Recovery Knowledge Test developed by Aydemir et al. was used. The validity and reliability study of the scale was conducted by Aydemir et al. in 2020. SPSS statistical program was used for the statistical analysis of the obtained data. As a result of the analysis of the data, no significant difference was found between the participants' knowledge levels of recovery in sports in terms of gender variable (p<0.05). On the other hand, a significant difference was found between the age variable and the level of recovery knowledge in favor of the groups aged 26 and over (p<0.05). Similarly, when educational status, level of experience and experience, and recovery knowledge levels were compared, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of those with good education, advanced level and high experience (p<0.05). As a result; It can be said that fitness trainers with good education, experienced and upper-level coaching certificates have better recovery knowledge levels. Based on this result, it is thought that increasing the training levels of fitness trainers, as well as raising their levels and increasing their experience, may contribute to the increase in quality.


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