The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the determination of trust and loyalty level of basketball fans to their team and to help form strategic sales plan considering the trust and loyalty level of fans to their team. The data from the survey are generated from 283 fans ranging in age from 13 to 71 (205 male, 78 female) who participate in basketball games. As a result of the structural equation modelling, it has been found that brand trust has a positive and strong effect on attitudinal loyalty and attitudinal loyalty has a positive and strong effect on behavioral loyalty. According to the research results, the increase in the brand trust of fans may cause an increase in brand loyalty and thus contributing to the achievement of both financial and marketing aims. The financial aims of sports teams may be listed as profitability, increasing the market share, leading the price, licensed product sales, matchday revenues, increasing concessions/catering and providing high-quality services. On the other hand, the marketing purposes may be listed as increasing recognition, fan/customer retention, gaining new fans, developing new products, strengthening the brand, and increasing the brand value. When considered in these terms, obtaining the trust of the fans has crucial importance.
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